Tuesday, 20 March 2018


        Have you ever asked your self this questions ? “ What is my mission on earth ?, what is my purpose here ?, why was i sent here and came here as a human?, Who am i ?, Where am i going after living here on earth ?, What is this world all about ?, Have i existed before ?, How can i remember who i was then ?, Why was i created in my mothers womb and it took me 9 months just to become a human?, Why was crying the first sound i had to make?, If God knew all my thoughts, Actions, and knew my next move ?,  even though He know i would turn my back on Him and rebel, even though He knew that am not to be trusted then why create me to bring Him pain and regrets ?. Why didn’t He allow me to die in my mothers womb or cause my fathers sperm not to be viable ? Why does God love Human so much that He sent his only son just to die and save us from sin and coming destruction.
 I pondered on this question for a while and God opened my eyes through the help of His word in Genesis 1:27-28 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
(28)God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
        This passage made me to understand that
(1) God created us to be like Him
(2) God blessed us and told us to be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it and gave us rule over every other living things, in the earth, sea and sky.
with this passage i understand that our purpose is to be like God, in kindness, love, compassion, Forgiveness, Wisdom and everything good, because everything good comes from God, if you add another o in God it turns to good, because God is good and we are created to be good.
 Every human is blessed because God confirmed this in His word, we are to be fruitful and to increase in number.
     Our mission is to be fruitful and increase in number, and to subdue the earth and have control over everything God created, but to be able to achieve this mission we have to find out our purpose and our purpose is to be like God but a smaller god because none is to be compared to the  I AM THAT I AM, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Beginning and the End , The God of gods, King of kings, so to achieve this purpose we have to discover the vision of who we are and to discover this vision is to find our destiny, to discover this destiny is to see and study the word of God which is the only map to God, through my study i learnt that serving and praising God is the purpose of our creation, because to be like your master, you have to serve Him, praise Him, Please Him and learn from Him, cause without knowledge of who your Master is, you can never be like Him, because you can’t plant an orange and harvest a corn, a dog can not give birth to a human and a human can’t give birth to a goat, so in order to discover your purpose or destiny you have to serve, praise,  please and worship your maker so that He can reveal the secret and purpose of your creation and then when you have discovered this visions then you can say this is who i am.
     I have discovered under the sun and moon that a lot of people do not know who they are or the path they are supposed to walk and this have made a lot to loose there vision and purpose in life, we are not here to only make babies, build houses or make money we are here to serve, to take dominion and to subdue the world and take control over everything that God has created, we are not made to be little because we are serving a Bigger and Mightier God. but only when you discover your purpose then you can take control.
when you have discovered your vision then you can know where you are going after a life here on earth cause we are but strangers in this world, and we came here with nothing and would leave with nothing, we are but dust and ashes and one day we all would die and return to the dust and our only possession is the maggot and termites that would feed on our decaying body, once we understand this truth then we can figure out the very need for Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Master because those that believe  would die but would rise on the last day and rule as kings, because there is no second death for a believer because we have hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.
     I have discovered that this world is just a dream, because most of us create, live according to the dreams we have had, to me death is the reality cause our life on earth is short compared to eternity, because i have never seen or heard that a man or woman or child dies today and you see him tomorrow , its only but Jesus Christ have been able to achieve this that is why we believe of a life after death but its only for those that believe in Jesus Christ cause what you don’t believe in our don’t practice can never save you, but when you believe that living a healthy life would save you then you start practicing how to live a healthy life then you shall live healthy even though sickness would attacks you, but because you have studied and practiced health you would always overcome every sickness , that is how a believer practices and believes in Jesus Christ and follows the way of the cross because He knows that Christ have gone before him and made it so when he follows on the same path, he too would make it cause when you practice health , you will be healthy , so when you follow Christ in truth and in lifestyle, you shall and will be clothed with salvation and rewarded eternally.
  some of us believe that we have existed before and i thought about this for a while and see that there is truth in this word because the word of God have this to say in Ecclesiastes 1:9-11
9 What has happened before will happen again. What has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new in the whole world.
10 "Look," they say, "here is something new!" But no, it has all happened before, long before we were born.
11 No one remembers what has happened in the past, and no one in days to come will remember what happens between now and then.
     So there is a possibility of someone existing before through the knowledge of this word, because in this world nothing is new, all you can see is modification and upgrades, but what is left to us is to remember and to find out what it was like then and you can only find through the word of God (BIBLE) which holds every history, knowledge, power and wisdom , with the word every secret is made known.
        Creation in the womb is a miracle come to think of it how can a sperm fertilize an egg and it starts growing, forming , and eventually turns into a baby, a sperm is just a whitish  substance that contains, the bone marrow, the Dna of the man, then i wonder still how can this fertilize an egg and from nothing becomes a baby, i thank God for that and i think no further about it cause no matter how i think i can not understand only God have an answer to that and this is a pure revelation that God exist cause If He don’t then who has the knowledge of that and that person should tell me how a whitish substance can form a baby, and why haven’t scientist been able to recreate that ?.
    The only thing that i could be able to understand about child birth and the 9 months of forming is that before you can become a Successful man, it takes time and process because, your birth was a process, there is no shortcut to destiny and most especially the most important thing to understand is to discover your path, that is to know which direction to follow, because a fast runner cannot get to his destination if he doesn’t know where he is going, but a slower runner that knows where he is going can pass this fast runner and get to his destination because he has seen where he is going and have a direction to where that is.
      I have pondered about why crying was the first sound we make when we are born then i was able to understand that life is hard, you can’t escape this truth, its never complete and its only pain that can direct you to the path of being able to actualize your goals thereby proving that failure is the steering wheel to success, because without loosing you can’t win. so you have to cry in order to be able to smile.
     After asking my self this questions and being able to come up with this answers i thought and studied more to learn the essence of human creation, then i could be able to say this that is not all about sleeping and waking up everyday, its not about being rich or poor, its not about fame, its not about having it all or having less, its not about certificate or achievements, its not about traveling to see the whole world, its not about  food, material things, its not about technology or science , i was able to understand that this life is a RACE, This life is a Test, Life is not what we think it is, or what we see it as, there is something more beyond life, something beyond the mere understanding of human being , i can from my studies and understanding that life is all about LOVE and sharing love, loving your neighbor as your self, loving God above all because for the sake of love, God sent His only son , Jesus Christ a supernatural being without sin was made sin, carried the sin of the whole world crucified, died and was buried, but was raised in the third day just to defeat sin and defeat death and to make us the righteousness of God, so that anybody that believes fully in Him shall be saved and have eternal life, Jesus Christ did all this for the sake of love,  but in all this understanding is to show us even more that God is alive and He is real, the creator of heaven and earth and He see everything that we do even those done in the secret , and knows our next step , some that failed in the past came back to put things right and make Heaven, that is why all that has happened before keeps happening again cause God is quick to forgive and merciful and is patient, His love is eternal and He always gives us a chance to find the truth to find Him, to discover our true potentials to wake up from this dream called life, to come and live with Him in paradise only if our eyes can and see the things that is hidden between this dream called life and this race called living, we would understand fully well of who we are and what our purpose is, only if we can give our life to Jesus Christ today, Because He said in His word in Matthew 10:39
“Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it”
understand this my readers that your life is beyond earth wake up and receive this gift of eternity. may God help you all to understand this dream called life.

Sunday, 18 March 2018


   Before you can gain wisdom you will be tested, wisdom will place you in difficult roads, wisdom will test your patience to see if you worthy of her gifts, God loves wisdom and it was the first that he created, God used her and found her worthy, because with wisdom everything was created and wisdom is  in anything and everything that was created.
  Wisdom was there at the very beginning at the starting of the world, and to gain wisdom is to fear and have reverence for the Lord, because with the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, a wisdom that is not corrupt , a wisdom that fills the house of its owner with treasures.
 The requirements of wisdom is a heavy burden that the undisciplined find it hard to bear, to find wisdom then you have to discipline your self, humble your self and listen cause, a pride and arrogant man can never acquire her cause wisdom can never share the same house with ignorance and folly cause its fruits is peace, love and kindness.
If you are willing to learn and take good counsel and good company then you can be able to learn and become wise.
 when you devote your time to learning and thinking about the Lords command then you will learn wisdom, insight and understanding cause the secret of wisdom is in the word of God.
 To acquire wisdom then you will have to be humble and be patient to listen to old people speak, the religious and spiritual people speak because there words is filled with wisdom cause they speak deep words, words that are rooted.
 To have wisdom is to be sure of long life cause wisdom reveals mysteries and makes you understand creation and the beauty in it, it reveals secrets of the world and makes you understand how everything works, wisdom fills your house with treasure, one with Godly wisdom can never be poor cause nothing is hidden from him, even though he dosen't have much at the beginning but at a later time he will be filled with blessing and prosperity.
Wisdom is like a tree cut down but grows from the shoot cause its root run deeper and it can never fail to grow into a greater tree cause its understands growth, i have tasted some what of wisdom and found it worthy and i pray that  the Mighty  Sovereign  Lord, the I AM THAT I AM that He may increase more of His wisdom upon me because He is the owner and giver of wisdom, a ruler with wisdom is sure to rule well, wisdom gives sound judgment, it helps in discerning from good and bad, to the one that has found wisdom has found Life, wealth, treasures, because its gift maketh a way for a man, but wisdom will frown and run away when its owner loves evil because wisdom detest evil
, Godly wisdom can be accessed and owned through the study of the word of God, cause that is where all the secret is hidden.


    Some see greatness as a blessing, as a life full of beaut, easiness, a life full of honor and goodness, but to me i have a different  understanding of greatness, greatness to me is slavery, its a life being started with suffering and hardship , humiliation, all kinds of troubles, days and years of nearly giving up, because from my studies all the great men i know and can think of endured suffering, they where humiliated, many of them died by the hands of there enemies, most of there lives was filled with troubles, sorrows, and moments of giving up, Think of Jesus Christ the greatest of us all , with all His power and Might, He was flogged, humiliated, insulted , Accused, and finally wore the crown of thorn, crucified, died and was buried, just because that He is the son of God, the greatest of all, Righteous and mighty He endured all this suffering so that we can be put right with God, so that He can bring us grace, peace and love of God, and to put us right with God, think of John the baptist a great prophet , killed by Herod because herodias daughter asked for his head on a plater, think of the Disciples of Christ, think of most of those great men of the old, they went through suffering but in  the end there glory shinned forever and now they are immortalized in our hearts and many make up songs about them, to me i see greatness differently, because as long as you want generations to come, to remember you then a great prize is supposed to be paid, there is no great man that have ever existed that didn't pay a  prize, the only thing amazing and sweet about the kind of greatness i think and have in mind is the eternal reward, the immortality, but the starting life of these greatness is not bed of roses, in the worldly version of greatness, most of them made evil covenant with the ruler of this world, that is why there greatness is limited, but a heavenly greatness has no limit cause its generalized, and the whole world shall bear witness of this kind of greatness that i write about. So to all my listeners and readers before you wish to be great just be ready to pay the prize cause greatness is not ordinary, but if you are willing to pay, pay it in the right alter so that your name shall last till the end of time.


What is essence of living without the right words, your soul perish when you don't have the words of hope, the words that give life, because with just a word everything was brought into existence, without the right words your soul and the very essence of your life dies slowly, because the  right word is like rain and snow, its pours down from the sky and waters the earth, it makes plant to grow and makes seed to provide the food that we eat, so these words which is from God gives us life, with good words, there is growth, there is strength, there is hope, encouragement and with right words there is understanding which giveth life to a man.
Its only a fool would be angry that he doesn’t have riches, or the good things of life, first he forget that with words everything was brought into existence and with these words a poor man can be made rich, with the right words the poor can rise from the ashes of poverty, with the right words a sick man can be healed, with the right words a blind man can see, with the right words a lame man can walk with the right words there shall be miracles, blessing can pour down from heaven with the right words.
The richness of a man determines the kind of words and the kind of things he fills inside his heart, his mind and the thing he visions or sees and his practices after hearing these words, The lord said speak and it shall be given to you, (Mathew 18:19)
''Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven'' , when we understand the secret of words then we can gain understanding and how to utilize this words is wisdom and it can only come from God.
 We are born to rule, to serve and to h
onor God, we are born to utilize the word to put and imply it in our daily life, because the word of God is a map to our destiny, your destiny can only be revealed or accessible to you when you open the word of God, Because in these holy word lies the secrets of all destiny. This word i speak of is not mere words but a word from God which is inspired by the holy spirit and the word of God said in (Isaiah 55 vs 11) ‘’ So also will be the word that i speak it will not fail to do what i plan for it , it will do everything that i sent it to do” . so with knowing these i come to understand the word of God is alive and it function as we use it in our daily life, the words that cometh out of your mouth determines how your destiny shapes or reveals itself.
 You can not access your destiny without discovering your vision, you can’t have what you haven’t seen or witnessed, because our vision is like a door way to our destiny, you can not see what is behind a closed door, so to open a door then you have to have a key and these key is the word because with these word everything is made easy, doors open with right key, so when you have the right words every door will open at your command.
  Before you work for something you must have talked about it privately or with someone, you must have desired it and visioned it, before you work to buy a car you must have desired and loved the car and in your mind, you must have said i want these car and i can have it and that is when you begin to work towards owning and saving up to have that car.
 Spoken Words is what transforms our dreams into a reality, a wish is an unspoken word, our whole life revolves around words and most times the kind of words we speak  affects our life either positively or negatively, if you speak blessings then blessing will come, if you speak victory , then victory is what you shall get, if you speak failure then failure is what you reap, what you speak comes to you because the spiritual controls the physical, because without the breath of life which is not seen a body can not be alive, or be able to function, if you don’t dream towards something then its hard for you to achieve that cause what you see is what you get.
  These words can be inform of prayer, meditation and spiritual songs, with understanding this about words i urge you to speak positive words at all times in your life, in your destiny, in your business and in your marriage, every part of your life demands the right word for it to function so do not be ignorant and be wise to know the words to speak and claim all the blessing that is in these holy book called the BIBLE, let the word of God transform your life and live as a witness of the goodness of the lord cause He has made everything easy by giving us His word its left to us to study, practice and let these words be a part of us at all times and let them transform our life. own a Bible today and be unstoppable, because the secret of all lies behind the book of law.

Thursday, 15 March 2018


In life it doesn't matter how many times you have failed because  too many attempts can lead to one massive success, which can heal the pains of all the failure, Thomas Edson failed 99 times in creating a light bulb but he didn't see the 99 times as a fail instead he learnt something new from each attempt that he made which later lead him to the massive success of creating a light bulb which we all use today, this one more attempt made him great, if he gave up he wouldn't have been made great. Failure is not the end but the beginning of something new, something amazing, something great, when old flowers fade new ones sprout out and they are even more beautiful and shine brighter, when one door closes many other open, because 'NO' means Next Opportunity, if you don't fail you can never learn, if a baby don't crawl, he or she  can never walk, and when he or she wants to starts walking, if he or she don't fall, he or she won't learn to stand firm or hold things so as not to fall again, life is all about steps, because growth is gradual, without the struggles there can never be growth, cause nothing grows in perfect condition as a human there can never be a perfect condition, failure gives us a new purpose, a fresh beginning , but this time because you have learnt from yesterday, you will be more careful and more guided, there can never be deep thought if there is no failure, failure is most important part of success cause its lessons last forever.
  When you fail don't stop, instead take your time, rest, free your mind and continue, don't stop cause there is no end to what you can achieve if you keep trying, there is always a way,  there is always an open door, there is always light at the end of each dark tunnel, but only be patient and persistent, don't be defeated, instead conquer, greatness is not measured by the amount of success you have achieved but by the amount of fails, of sorrows , of pain and obstacles you have endured, because there is no smoke without fire, one has to go through the furnace of humiliation, sorrow and pain before they can achieve greatness, cause every greatness has a story and its never an easy one cause the beginning is always the hardest part, there is no shortcut to greatness or eternal success, if there is then its not greatness, cause it won't last, gold and silver is tested in the fire that is why its really hard to break, greatness and success is a test of courage, because without challenges there won't be any upgrade, don't fear failing instead embrace it and be proud of it, cause its through failure that you succeed, its through criticism that you get better. 
  Success is good but if its not worked hard for it would give the Winner  a sense of relaxation thereby keeping them away from the greater task ahead, thereby causing limitation and laziness which can lead to more failure, but there is no limitation for a failed project, cause every minute, seconds, hour and day counts and the focus is to get it work better, to make it perfect even though there is no perfect on earth. Failing is a training for a strong mind, it makes you fearless of what is ahead, cause you have been burnt, so the pain is what keeps you focus on ways not to get burnt again, but no matter how many times you burn, you keep trying to figure out a way to avoid been burnt, that is the secret of winning.
  People think of death as failure but without death there can not be a new life, if there is no hunger then people won't work to get food, if there is no lack then there won't be need, without sickness then you can't appreciate life and good health, without poverty then you won't appreciate being rich, for life to be at Equilibrium two things is involved, its either its black or white, evil or good, fail or succeed, but all this works together so that life can function because if its too straight then it won't have any meaning added to it, there is no way you can cheat the forces of nature,  cause life works both ways, you can't find two evil in a court, one will be corrupt and other good. 
   With knowing these things we should boast of our falls, our troubles, our shame, and our humiliation because in these moment of weakness we find strength and solution to get better, if life was straight and rosy then there won't be any knowledge because hard times create opportunities for an active mind, there is no way you acquire new knowledge if you don't fail at the old ones, to me Success is weakness cause nothing new is learnt when its all good.
  To succeed then there will be failure cause failing is motivation, and a room for new opportunities for a persistent scholar , because failure builds you both mentally, spiritually, physically and it makes your vision to get more clearer and more deeper, so when there is success you won't relax cause you have been trained and went through the furnace of failure, your being is now focused on something new, what is the next step ? . 
  Be inspired and stop allowing a little failure to make you give up , instead see it as a beginning of something new and much better than the old.
   Remember these that in the eyes of Men, Jesus Christ they said have failed because He died on the Cross of Calvary but what they don't know is that His death brought us Forgiveness, a way out of these life, His death brought us grace, His death united us with God so that through Him we can become the righteousness of God, in His death He achieved greatness, in His death he broke the power of death, His death brought Him honor and made His name greater than any other name and immortalized Him in the minds of generations to come, in His Failure  He found Victory and owned the key to life and death . So to me with all these knowledge and understanding failure is the steering wheel to success cause without failure they can never be success.

Thursday, 1 March 2018


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 
This Mixtape is mixed with passion to bring the listener happiness and peace of mind , it brings about good vibes and beautiful moods is all you will feel after listening to this mixtape .
 1.  INTRO - ApostleeDJ
2. Police - Ric Hassani
3. God’s Plan - Drake
4. Ninia - Yung L
5. Cheap Trills - SIA
6. Fargin - Teni
7. One and Only - Apostleedj ft Lil Yeaice & Shan
8. Too Goof At Goodbyes - Sam Smith
9. My Heart - Tunde (Styl-Plus)
10. Go - Masterkraft
11. Complete Me - Simi
12. Perfect Duet - Ed Sheeran ft Beyonce
13. Blessings - Sojay ft Slimmz
14. Say Something - Justin Timberlake ft Stapleton
15. Last Last - Kida Kudz ft Dremo
16. Can’t Believe - Kranium x Dj Tunez x Mut4y x Wizkid
17. Only One - Tekno
18. We Don’t Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth ft Selena Gomez
19. Ah Blem Blem - Timaya
20. Heavens Gate - Burna Boy ft Lilly Allen
21. Last Boyfriend - Ruffcoin
22. Lonely Together - Avicii ft Rita Ora
23. I Am - Minjin
24. Said - Nasty C ft RunTown
25. Oyoko - Zoro ft Chidinma
26. Marry You - Nonso Amadi ft Tomi Owo
27. Hammer - Bisa Kdei
28. Che Che - Mayorkun
29. Nkenji Keke - Paul Okoye (Rude Boy)
30. Show Me Love - Praiz
31. Son My Mind - Maleek Berry
32. Kpete Wicked - Skales
33. The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris , Grey
34. On My Mind - Wilfresh , Dr Jazz , Stonebwoy
35. Far Away - Sarkodie ft Korede Bello
36. Manya - Mut4y ft Wizkid
37. Isi Ego - Phyno
38. Melanin Popping - Korede Bello
39. Osha Pra Pra - Yovi
40. Jaiye - Dj Kentalky ft Reekado Banks
41. 4 Days - Kiss Daniel
42. Science Student - Olamide
43. Problem - Reminisce
44. You Make It Easy - Jason Aldean
45. OUTRO - Apostleedj


