Thursday, 15 March 2018


In life it doesn't matter how many times you have failed because  too many attempts can lead to one massive success, which can heal the pains of all the failure, Thomas Edson failed 99 times in creating a light bulb but he didn't see the 99 times as a fail instead he learnt something new from each attempt that he made which later lead him to the massive success of creating a light bulb which we all use today, this one more attempt made him great, if he gave up he wouldn't have been made great. Failure is not the end but the beginning of something new, something amazing, something great, when old flowers fade new ones sprout out and they are even more beautiful and shine brighter, when one door closes many other open, because 'NO' means Next Opportunity, if you don't fail you can never learn, if a baby don't crawl, he or she  can never walk, and when he or she wants to starts walking, if he or she don't fall, he or she won't learn to stand firm or hold things so as not to fall again, life is all about steps, because growth is gradual, without the struggles there can never be growth, cause nothing grows in perfect condition as a human there can never be a perfect condition, failure gives us a new purpose, a fresh beginning , but this time because you have learnt from yesterday, you will be more careful and more guided, there can never be deep thought if there is no failure, failure is most important part of success cause its lessons last forever.
  When you fail don't stop, instead take your time, rest, free your mind and continue, don't stop cause there is no end to what you can achieve if you keep trying, there is always a way,  there is always an open door, there is always light at the end of each dark tunnel, but only be patient and persistent, don't be defeated, instead conquer, greatness is not measured by the amount of success you have achieved but by the amount of fails, of sorrows , of pain and obstacles you have endured, because there is no smoke without fire, one has to go through the furnace of humiliation, sorrow and pain before they can achieve greatness, cause every greatness has a story and its never an easy one cause the beginning is always the hardest part, there is no shortcut to greatness or eternal success, if there is then its not greatness, cause it won't last, gold and silver is tested in the fire that is why its really hard to break, greatness and success is a test of courage, because without challenges there won't be any upgrade, don't fear failing instead embrace it and be proud of it, cause its through failure that you succeed, its through criticism that you get better. 
  Success is good but if its not worked hard for it would give the Winner  a sense of relaxation thereby keeping them away from the greater task ahead, thereby causing limitation and laziness which can lead to more failure, but there is no limitation for a failed project, cause every minute, seconds, hour and day counts and the focus is to get it work better, to make it perfect even though there is no perfect on earth. Failing is a training for a strong mind, it makes you fearless of what is ahead, cause you have been burnt, so the pain is what keeps you focus on ways not to get burnt again, but no matter how many times you burn, you keep trying to figure out a way to avoid been burnt, that is the secret of winning.
  People think of death as failure but without death there can not be a new life, if there is no hunger then people won't work to get food, if there is no lack then there won't be need, without sickness then you can't appreciate life and good health, without poverty then you won't appreciate being rich, for life to be at Equilibrium two things is involved, its either its black or white, evil or good, fail or succeed, but all this works together so that life can function because if its too straight then it won't have any meaning added to it, there is no way you can cheat the forces of nature,  cause life works both ways, you can't find two evil in a court, one will be corrupt and other good. 
   With knowing these things we should boast of our falls, our troubles, our shame, and our humiliation because in these moment of weakness we find strength and solution to get better, if life was straight and rosy then there won't be any knowledge because hard times create opportunities for an active mind, there is no way you acquire new knowledge if you don't fail at the old ones, to me Success is weakness cause nothing new is learnt when its all good.
  To succeed then there will be failure cause failing is motivation, and a room for new opportunities for a persistent scholar , because failure builds you both mentally, spiritually, physically and it makes your vision to get more clearer and more deeper, so when there is success you won't relax cause you have been trained and went through the furnace of failure, your being is now focused on something new, what is the next step ? . 
  Be inspired and stop allowing a little failure to make you give up , instead see it as a beginning of something new and much better than the old.
   Remember these that in the eyes of Men, Jesus Christ they said have failed because He died on the Cross of Calvary but what they don't know is that His death brought us Forgiveness, a way out of these life, His death brought us grace, His death united us with God so that through Him we can become the righteousness of God, in His death He achieved greatness, in His death he broke the power of death, His death brought Him honor and made His name greater than any other name and immortalized Him in the minds of generations to come, in His Failure  He found Victory and owned the key to life and death . So to me with all these knowledge and understanding failure is the steering wheel to success cause without failure they can never be success.

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