Sunday, 18 March 2018


   Before you can gain wisdom you will be tested, wisdom will place you in difficult roads, wisdom will test your patience to see if you worthy of her gifts, God loves wisdom and it was the first that he created, God used her and found her worthy, because with wisdom everything was created and wisdom is  in anything and everything that was created.
  Wisdom was there at the very beginning at the starting of the world, and to gain wisdom is to fear and have reverence for the Lord, because with the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, a wisdom that is not corrupt , a wisdom that fills the house of its owner with treasures.
 The requirements of wisdom is a heavy burden that the undisciplined find it hard to bear, to find wisdom then you have to discipline your self, humble your self and listen cause, a pride and arrogant man can never acquire her cause wisdom can never share the same house with ignorance and folly cause its fruits is peace, love and kindness.
If you are willing to learn and take good counsel and good company then you can be able to learn and become wise.
 when you devote your time to learning and thinking about the Lords command then you will learn wisdom, insight and understanding cause the secret of wisdom is in the word of God.
 To acquire wisdom then you will have to be humble and be patient to listen to old people speak, the religious and spiritual people speak because there words is filled with wisdom cause they speak deep words, words that are rooted.
 To have wisdom is to be sure of long life cause wisdom reveals mysteries and makes you understand creation and the beauty in it, it reveals secrets of the world and makes you understand how everything works, wisdom fills your house with treasure, one with Godly wisdom can never be poor cause nothing is hidden from him, even though he dosen't have much at the beginning but at a later time he will be filled with blessing and prosperity.
Wisdom is like a tree cut down but grows from the shoot cause its root run deeper and it can never fail to grow into a greater tree cause its understands growth, i have tasted some what of wisdom and found it worthy and i pray that  the Mighty  Sovereign  Lord, the I AM THAT I AM that He may increase more of His wisdom upon me because He is the owner and giver of wisdom, a ruler with wisdom is sure to rule well, wisdom gives sound judgment, it helps in discerning from good and bad, to the one that has found wisdom has found Life, wealth, treasures, because its gift maketh a way for a man, but wisdom will frown and run away when its owner loves evil because wisdom detest evil
, Godly wisdom can be accessed and owned through the study of the word of God, cause that is where all the secret is hidden.

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