Myth has it that any tree that bleeds (blood) in ''Nigeria'' precisely when cut is possessed by evil spirit and demons, most states, Neighborhood had this gigantic tree .
A lady in Instagram (@leoneandmummy) narrated a short interesting story of her childhood of this "Tree", She stated " It served as shade when the sun was at its hottest while we played with other neighborhood kids .No one really knew how old the tree was but it was obviously really old and intimidating and it served as a very good landmark in the area as it could be spotted from quite a distance.
All was well and jolly until a "Pastor" decided to rent and convert an empty building into a "Church" just a few meters away from the tree. The church began spreading tales about the tree being evil & being responsible for some misfortune that befell some neighbors in the area. SMH. Led by their "Pastor", they began to gather round the tree almost every week and even at night to "Pray", yell and scream at the tree(some sort of exorcism s***)😄This "show" lasted for a few months and was quite funny to me even as a kid then. Eventually they got permission to cut down the tree and it bled alot while being cut.
All was well and jolly until a "Pastor" decided to rent and convert an empty building into a "Church" just a few meters away from the tree. The church began spreading tales about the tree being evil & being responsible for some misfortune that befell some neighbors in the area. SMH. Led by their "Pastor", they began to gather round the tree almost every week and even at night to "Pray", yell and scream at the tree(some sort of exorcism s***)😄This "show" lasted for a few months and was quite funny to me even as a kid then. Eventually they got permission to cut down the tree and it bled alot while being cut.

The bleeding of the tree further strengthened their belief that it was indeed evil & cursed, because they couldn't understand why a tree would have what looked like blood inside it, most of the neighborhood agreed with them. Hopefully they know better now.
I have also heard tales of a tree in my childhood, very old that some Men of God deem was the cause of death of people in my locality back then in Ogwuagor Abakpa Nike Enugu, the tree as they say kill people every year, and the families in the locality resort that cutting the tree would stop the said death, after prayers they organized an arborist, to cut the tree, but for some reason each arborist that attempt to cut the tree mysteriously dies, about 2-3 arborist died and everything was put to a halt until some time later, they beckoned on one arborist that did some incantations and sacrifice before the tree was hacked, and today that spot the tree was has a house built in it now.
In Native Nigerian Culture most traditionalist worship trees they call (chi) they even go as far as killing life animals to it as sacrifice , even in Asian countries like India, they worship trees.
#mystery #tree #blood
#mystery #tree #blood
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